
Random Notes.

Random Note #1: snake bites can cause pancreatitis (aka an inflamed, swollen, and painful pancreas). The vemon of many snakes has been shown to harm--out of all of our organs--the pancreas.

Random Note #2: candles and campfires have been linked to lung cancer. So sad, I know, because these are two beautiful things. Unfortunately the smoke coming from these is similar in structure to the smoke coming from cigarettes, which has obviously been tied to lung cancer.

Random Note #3: one reason why goat dairy is good (for those who want to eat dairy) is because the molecule looks very similar to human breast milk. This may be why more people can tolerate goat's milk better than cow's milk (the latter looks very dissimilar to Mother's milk on a molecular level).


  1. Since a campfire is basically a wood fire that leads me to wonder about fireplaces, wood stoves, flues. I presume it all is cancer causing?


  2. Yes, I suppose so. We should beware of all sources of smoke.

  3. Now I know why flameless candles are becoming much more popular at work.

  4. Never heard of flameless candles before! Cool.


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