
First-year Classes = DONE (...and a bit about Fevers).

That's it. No more first-year classes for me! I am 90% done my first-year studies at CCNM (all that remains is two-weeks of final exams). Phew, that was fast. Just this week I walked past the Convocation Hall on the University of Toronto campus (CCNM rents out this building for their convocations) and I thought to myself "only 3 more years"!

Now, I just need to get myself through yet another round of exams. It shouldn't be too bad this time 'round as they are pretty spread out (unlike in December when I wrote multiple exams a day). I start writing on Monday and they wrap-up on the 29th. When exams are done, I'll write a review of the semester, but for now, let's talk about FEVERS:

- Fevers are actually really cool and not something to frown too much upon. A fever is basically the body treating itself with thermotherapy (i.e. using temperature to heal). When the temperature is increased, it is for a reason: the hot temperature kills-off any bacteria and viruses that are infecting the body.

- It is important to not inhibit a fever (unless it reaches a dangerous level which is rare) as it is the body's way of taking care of itself. A temperature between 102-103F is the optimal to fight infection.

- The expression Starve a fever, feed a cold. is quite valid. When the body heats up to a certain temperature, the digestive system shuts down. Therefore, if you try to eat with a fever, the body will likely suffer more as it is full of food and can't do anything with it. Furthermore, during a fever, signals (interleukins) are also released that decrease your appetite, making you not even want any food.

- More signals (interleukins) are released that cause muscle breakdown, which is why muscles ache and feel sore during a fever. When muscles also get broken down, the amino acids that make up proteins that are now floating around the body also contributes to anti-hunger mentioned above.

- When the body changes its internal temperature to a higher value, the body now thinks the external environment is waaayyy to cold and hence the shivers and cold-feeling associated with a fever.

- When the fever finally breaks, the body will start sweating profusely as it tries to cool itself. No longer does it need to maintain this high temperature and thus it uses sweating as a mechanism to reduce its temperature.

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