
(Last) Interesting Tid-Bits.

This is my LAST interesting tid-bits post of the 2010-2011 school year. Enjoy!

- As ridiculous as it sounds, doctors actually preform the "kidney punch test" to determine whether on not a patient has a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a kidney infection (because both infections preform with similar symptoms). A kidney punch test requires the doctor to punch (literally) the back of kidneys (the kidneys are attached to the posterior abdominal cavity wall. If the patient feels pain after the punch test, the kidneys are likely infected.

- The male and female reproductive organs are actually very similar. For instance, the major labia of females (located on either side of the vagina) are equivalent to the scrotum in males. Another example (there are in fact many) the glans penis and the clitoris are also equivalent structures.

- On our heart and in our face, we have arteries that are spiraled in a coil-like shape (they sort of look like a spring). These arteries are coiled so that they are able to easily stretch during the pumping/contracting of the heart and during the moving of the mouth during talking and eating. Evolution is so cool; our arteries have evolved into flexible shapes to protect themselves!

- Although sugar in excess is bad for the immune system and or overall health, it is important to recognize its role in baked goods. Sugar acts as a bactericide, meaning it inhibits bacterial growth. When baking sugar-free, freeze leftover goodies to preserve them as they won't last as long resting on the counter.

- The "5Fs" are at a higher risk for developing gallstones (fat, female, fair-skin, fertile, and forties).

- The stomach is full of acid (hydrochloric acid to be precise) for two important reasons: one, to start the digestion process (the super strong acid starts decomposing food upon contact), and two, to kill bacteria that has been eaten or inhaled. With our mouth making constant contact with the external world, the stomach has to be armed and ready to intake invaders so they don't get a chance to get to more delicate organs during later parts of the digestive tract.

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