
The Gluten-Free Bread Guide: Part Four.

The Gluten-Free Bread Guide: Part Four.

 Part four of my gluten-free bread guide. Today I'll talk about baking your own gfree bread.

Four: Do it yourself
Five: Let's go alternative
Can't find good gfree bread at the store or unsatisfied with the stuff at your local bakery? Then take matters into your own hands and make your own gluten-free goodness. Here are some links to fabulous gfree bread recipes from the web:
- My bread recipe (seedy and doughy) 
- A compilation of Gluten-Free Goddess' bread recipes (she has many and they are all divine).
- Sandwich bread from Nourishing Meals. They also have other bread recipes on their website including teff bread and hemp seed bread (check out the bread section of this recipe page). 
- Gluten-Free Girl's take on bread.
- This bread recipe won a contest for the best gfree bread recipe from Living Without magazine.

Now I completely understand that baking gfree bread is easier said then done.  Making anything homemade takes time and resources (the ingredients and the baking equipment).  I find baking extremely therapeutic but I know it's not for everyone. I do recommend, however, that if you are living gfree, that you try out a homemade bread recipe at least once.  You never know: the recipe you try may give you the bread that you've been craving! Also remember that the weird ingredients required for gfree baking are there for a reason!  Baking (especially without gluten) is truly a science and requires the right 'chemicals' to get the perfect end result.

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