
The Nose.

Hooray! Another set of exams are over. Most went better than expected or went as planned, but a few little buggers went badly :(. Nevertheless, I am proud of how much information I managed to pack into my brain in one hectic week. Thanks for sharing yet another exam week experience with me.

The Anatomy of the Nose

- The external nose is known as the nasal pyramid.
- The internal nasal cavity is shaped like a pear and is thus named the piriformis (which in latin translates to pear).
- Most of the nose is made of cartilage, making it very flexible (however there are some bones and thus when a nose is declared "broken", the injury must have penetrated deep to reach these bones). This way you can pinch your nose when something smells or blow your nose when sick without the fear of breaking a bone or permanently squashing it.
- The nostrils are also known as nares.
- The root of the nose is in between the eyes (where the nose connects to the rest of the face).
- Nose hairs are known as vibrissae and are important to collect dust particles and other foreign objects from entering further into the nasal canal.
- When someone flares their nostrils, he or she is really flaring his or her ala.
- The left and right nasal cavities and nares are divided by the nasal septum (which is also made of cartilage).

Happy Friday!

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