
I'm Back!

Hello dear readers,

After a one-month-long break from daily blogging, I have decided to return to the keyboard! I took a month-off to rest my eyes and mind after a year of too much time spent on the computer. Now I feel well-rested (computer-wise) and am excited to be back blogging (and commenting on others' blogs).

Now, how will the blog work now that it is Summer and I am out of school? Well, I am starting the long process of re-writing/organizing/sorting/prioritizing all of my class notes from first-year, and thus I am sure I will find lots of interesting tid-bits to share. (Note: I am going through old notes in order to prepare for my board exam 1 (aka NPLEX 1), which I will write next Summer and to begin to prepare patient handouts which I will distribute in my future clinic... more on this later). Also, just because I am not formally studying medicine and health during the next three months, this doesn't mean that I won't be informally studying these topics, through leisure reading and web surfing. I already have lots of "health news" in mind, and I will share these findings on the blog. Lastly, my journey to become a naturopathic doctor didn't stop when the classes stopped; I am preparing myself each and every day to become a good doctor, and thus I want to continue to share this journey on my blog and with my readers.

In addition, I intend to post the occasional healthy recipe... because you all know too well that Summer vacation really equates to more time in the kitchen for Becca!

Happy Summer Reading!

~ Becca

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