Welcome to 2012 on Navigating Naturopathy! Hope you all had an enjoyable Winter vacation.
I absolutely loved my two weeks off: no books, no blogging, no classes, no exercise, no uber healthy diet, no structured bedtimes, no stress, and no worries! It was the most unnaturopathic two weeks, but it was exactly what I was craving. It was pure bliss, but not sustainable. I am completely ready to get back to the real, authentic life of "Becca, (future) ND".
As for the blog, what can you expect this year? Well, about a post a day (including the Summer because I'll be studying this Summer... more on that when it comes time) and even more pictures (are you loving the featured pictures as much as I am?). Here is a sneak peak at posts that are in store during the next couple of weeks on Navigating Naturopathy:
- How to gently cleanse
- How to get more sleep
- The TCM Lung (the last TCM organ to discuss)
- A recap of some of my delicious meals over the holidays (my family members have really developed a skill for a healthy, yummy cooking!)
- A review of some interesting new products available at all major grocery stores that I think you should try
- An introduction to my new courses: Pharmacology (think drugs), Clinical Nutrition (think diet), and Manipulation (think chiropractic medicine)
Thanks for reading in 2011; I hope you'll stick around for 2012!
Image source here: http://blog.flickr.net/en/2012/01/02/a-new-year/
Sounds good. Keep on postin!