
The Grand Finale.

The Gluten-Free Bread Guide: The Grand Finale!

I felt the need to do just one more gfree bread guide because I had some remaining thoughts in my head that I wanted to put on the blog. Last one, I promise!

To the left: the most amazing local gfree bread I've ever tasted (covered with pumpkin seed butter). The company that made the bread is here.
To the right: another acceptable store-bought gfree bread I tried this month (I'd add to my list, ranking it as #5). The ingredients aren't stellar, but the bread toasts really nice. Glutino is the brand.

A couple of remaining thoughts: 

1) I've made some new additions (see above) to the guide. Glutino bread isn't that bad! Also, last month I tasted the best local gfree bread ever that just I had to share a picture.

2) Although I am making these recommendations, we must remember that taste is so so subjective. I made love one gfree bread, and you may absolutely hate it. For example, I love the bread featured to the left, but Tony can't stand it (we've both tried many gfree breads and tend to agree, but not on this one). Unfortunately, even though I've really tried to take the guess work out of buying/preparing gfree bread, it is still up to you to navigate the world of gfree bread based on your needs (cost, taste preference, availability, texture, etc).  

3) Lastly, when aiming to eat gfree, it is important to ask is whether you are sensitive/intolerant to gluten or rather to wheat? Wheat is the casing while gluten is the innards. Some people are really just sensitive to wheat and not actually to gluten. If only wheat is the problem, then maybe you can still enjoy flours like kamut and spelt? There are many awesome kamut and spelt breads available at major grocery chains and I suspect most bakeries. Talk to a Naturopathic Doctor about an elimination diet or a food sensitivity blood test to help you determine whether it is a wheat or a gluten problem.

...and with that, The Gluten-Free Bread Guide is finally over! *Phew* Thanks for sticking through those six posts.

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