
Flavor Your Own Honey

Below is a picture of some honey infused with lemon! 

That's right: you can flavor your own honey. Simply take honey and place it in a clean jar that seals well. Add your "seasoning" of choice, let it sit for at least 24 hours, and then voila, flavored honey. Store honey in the fridge for two weeks. Give the honey a good stir before using. 

Flavoring Options: 

Lemon slices, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, lavender buds (edible), other edible flowers (chamomile), chai tea spices, herbs (rosemary, mint), etc. 

There are lemon wedges in this honey. Look closely!

Also on the topic of honey and doing it yourself, here is a picture of my homemade onion syrup. I had a sore throat a couple of weeks and this did the trick! Even though it is meant for coughs, it also works for sore throats. Surprisingly, it didn't taste very onion-y either. 

Mmm, honey onion syrup...

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